- Associate Prof. Abhishek P; Published following papers
- "Experimental analysis on hybrid adsorption and open-air cycle humidification dehumidification (AD-OHD) desalination system". Accepted for publication , in Desalination Journal (SCI Indexed, Q1 Journal, impact factor : 9.9)
- "Performance investigation of hybrid adsorption and thermoelectric dehumidification desalination system" Accepted for publication in Energy conversion and Management Journal (Elsevier, SCIE indexed, Q1 Journal, Impact factor-10.46)
- “Performance investigation of silica gel based consolidated composite adsorbent effective for adsorption desalination system” in Elsevier Materials Today communication journal having an Impact factor value of 3.6 SCI Indexed Journal.
- “Modelling and performance analysis of a hybrid conventional solar still – adsorption desalination system” Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science (SCI). Impact factor – 1.762
- “Thermodynamic modelling of hybrid adsorption system”. Journal of physics: Conference Series, IOP Publishing1355 (2019)
- “Thermodynamic modelling of hybrid adsorption system and absorption desalination system” UNESCO-EOLSS, theme on solar cogeneration of electricity and water, large scale photovoltaic systems.
- “Performance investigation of silica gel based consolidated composite adsorbent effective for adsorption desalination system”.
- Asst. Prof. Lijin Thomas published a paper “Thermo-mechanical properties of cryogenic and dual alkali-anhydrous treated bio-composites for sustainability” in SAGE publication Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science Impact Factor: 1.758 SCI Indexed Journal.
- Asst. Prof. Nevin Nelson; Published a paper “Manufacturing of lathe tool from scrap” in International Journal of Machine Tools and Maintenance Engineering.