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Dear Children,

Invoking the Word of God, I welcome and bless you this day!

“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9)

You are the future leaders of our great nation, and of the world. Awareness of one’s self, combined with the absolute dependence in the Divine Providence, should strengthen you to take on the world, exactly as established in our mission statement; ‘use the transformative power of education to become socially responsible professionals’.

Our founding members had the will and creative power to groom and transform minds irrespective of faith and culture. Our generation has witnessed this transformation, and you dear children, you are the ones who are living it at this very instance! We are duty-bound to provide the best academic opportunities to every student and groom them to achieve their avowed goals.

I would sternly appeal you to remember that this is a major milestone in your life. It is up to you ensure that you make all efforts to achieve and fly-high to your dreams.

Should you need any support and assistance, I shall always be willing to hear you.

I wish you all the best in the name of the Lord!

Sincerely yours,

Most Rev. Dr. Paul Antony Mullassery