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Bishop Jerome School of Architecture and Design: Resources

Bishop Jerome School of Architecture and Design (BJCA) offers a variety of resources to support students in their academic and professional development. Here's a breakdown of some key resources available:

Learning Resources:

● Library: The college library provides access to a vast collection of books, journals, periodicals, and online databases related to architecture, design, and related fields.
● Computerlabs: BJCA has well-equipped computer labs with software specifically designed for architectural design, drafting, and simulation.
● Modelmaking workshop: Students have access to a workshop equipped with tools and materials for creating physical models and prototypes.
● Audio-visual facilities: The college provides classrooms and studios equipped with projectors, screens, and other audio-visual equipment to support presentations and multimedia learning.

Student Support Services:

● Academic advisors: Faculty members are available to guide students with course selection, academic progress, and career planning.
● Counseling services: The college offers counseling services to support students with personal and academic challenges.
● Mentorship program: Students are paired with experienced faculty mentors who provide guidance, support, and feedback throughout their academic journey.
● Placement cell: The college's placement cell actively assists students in securing internships and placements with leading architectural firms.

Additional Resources:
● Guest lectures and workshops: BJCA regularly invites guest lecturers from practicing architects and industry professionals to share their expertise and insights with students.
● Clubs and societies: Students can participate in various clubs and societies related to architecture, design, and other areas of interest, providing opportunities for collaboration, networking, and skill development.
● Online resources: The college website and online learning platforms may offer additional resources such as course materials, e-books, and online lectures.

Accessing Resources:
● Information about specific resources and their availability can be obtained from the college website, student handbook, or by contacting the relevant department or faculty member.
● Students are encouraged to actively utilize the available resources to enhance their learning experience and achieve their academic goals

Dept of Architecture - Classrooms

Dept of Architecture - Computer Lab

Dept of Architecture - Exhibition room

Dept of Architecture - Interactive room

Dept of Architecture - Studios